What is Verified ID?


Decentralized identity is becoming increasingly important in our digital world, and the need for secure and verifiable identities is essential. In today's society, there are many challenges that can be solved with a decentralized identity system, from the movement of refugees to more mundane challenges such as employee onboarding. Decentralized identity can provide individuals with greater control over their personal data and the ability to prove their identity securely.

One of the ways decentralized identity is being applied in the real world is through the Microsoft Azure Verified ID service. Verified ID is a set of tools helping you to issue and/or verify identities or credentials, allowing individuals to easily share their identity information with others, while remaining in control.

For refugees, a Verified ID can help prove their identity and make it easier to access vital services, such as healthcare, education, and financial support. With a Verified ID, refugees can prove who they are, where they come from, and their legal status. This can help them to integrate into a new society, find work and become self-sufficient.

For organizations, Verified ID can help streamline their onboarding process and reduce the risk of fraudulent activity. By using Verified ID to verify the identity of potential employees during onboarding, organizations can ensure that the individual is who they say they are, reducing the risk of fraud and protecting the organization's reputation.


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